About Me

Hi there, my name is Jess, and thanks so much for stopping by. His Darling Bee came from my book: The Blessed Bees, a story of Black witches finding their magic through an ancient warlock. With that being said, I've spent a lot of time searching for ways to express my writing and I've finally come to the decision that blogging is where I want to start. You see, I've put a lot of my hobbies aside to become a full-time writer with an agent but sometimes in this life dreams just don't come true, at least not the way you want them to. So after over twenty full requests for The Bees, countless partials, but also a lot more rejections than I could muster, I've decided it was time to do it my way. This place will become my haven, a way to express my writing, and a way to continue my love for it.


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