Thursday, February 3, 2022

Morning Rituals to Set Your Day

The blaring sound of the alarm echoes through my bedroom and then--

I turn it off in frustration, because let's face it, life can get pretty hectic. For me, it begins on Mondays. Always on a Monday. Actually, sometimes on Sundays, too. So to lessen the load I've made a list of morning rituals that I started doing to get my day going. Not all the time. Mostly. Hopefully, you can find some solace in these or at least a bit of inspiration.


I know how hard it is to get into a routine, but all you need is thirty minutes a day. If you suffer from anxiety like I do, it helps. Truly. My favorite exercise is old-fashion walking. I know, I know, boring. Simple. Yet I've found great success in just walking alone, and it started way back when I was in high school. I never do it alone. Either with my husband or son or both. The best part, it's quite simple. It could be around your block/neighborhood. Maybe the backyard, a  big enough one. Or how about the forest? If safe. I couldn't stress this more. Steps (as I call it) could also help you get used to moving your body and releasing added stress. Best done in the morning, trust me. It feels pretty amazing. If you are more advanced then I try things like high-intensity workouts mixed with weight training. Again, it doesn't have to be over an hour. Just something enough to get you moving.


There is nothing more refreshing than simply sitting in your living room or on your porch and just enjoying a warm cup of coffee. Hell, even tea. You don't even have to speak. Sip slowly, savor the taste, and let your mind focus on the flavor alone. Or daydream while sipping. Think about that upcoming vacation. Places you'd like to visit or explore. What about that first coffee you fell so enamored with? Try it. So I ask you this: When was the last time you truly enjoyed a cup of coffee without the noise?

Sage Burning:

I love this one. If I'm being honest, I don't do this every single morning because I don't have time. Yet I try to fit sage burning (white preferably) around the house in the morning, while humming, to clear up any negative energy from dark spaces in the house. I say this, respectfully, trust in the sage. The thickness shows you exactly where you need to focus and if you like the smell of burning leaves it adds a woody fragrance around the house. Try to open up windows while doing this, and always make sure to let out the last smoke at the front door.


I find music to be so inspiring, especially when working in a creative field or cooking, which is creative if you think about it, anyway. In the morning, I usually choose something cool, calm, and collective. It doesn't have to be songs with words. I think that music compositions work just as well. For me, even better. Imagine laying in your bed, headphones on, and just listening to the sound of the beat. The way the piano hits a note or the violin stringing beautifully in the wind. Music helps, I promise.


Last but not least, if you're a writer like me it's always good to make time for it, preferably in the morning. For me, before work. Or perhaps early Saturday mornings before I leave out for the day or the house gets crazy. In fact, I find setting aside either words (100-1000) per day gets what's in my head on paper (word file). Or setting aside minutes. Usually, it takes me about an hour if I go this route, especially if I'm editing at the same time. Please. Don't do both, editing and writing. Ugh. It takes way too long and sometimes you can grow un-motivated, and we don't want that. Try writing in the morning, it'll help.

If you have any morning rituals list them below, I'd love to hear them.