Saturday, January 8, 2022

REVIEW: Hawkeye - A Love Letter to Clint Barton Fans

Like Kate Bishop, played by one of my favorite actresses of this age, Hailee Steinfeld, I, too, loved me some Clint Barton. Still do. Disney+ has released some pretty amazing shows and honestly, I can list about seven thus far that have captured my attention and heart. But Hawkeye was my absolute favorite. A true gem. The lead of course is Hawkeye, played by the legendary man himself, Jeremy Renner. The character has always been admirable, taking perilous missions though he's only a human with no super strength. He's just a guy (well, a family man respectively) that was born a hero: no matter the cost.

The show Hawkeye, however, was like a passing of the torch type of thing to newcomer Kate Bishop. An amiable girl eager to become the new Hawkeye, name and all. In fact, the moment we met our new lady in lead we got the sudden expression that she wasn't all that skilled yet but a girl who would soon become a force to be reckoned with, I wager. Kate Bishop has a lot to offer to the MCU. From her talented archery. To her wanting to be a hero persona. To her composed fan girl personality toward Hawkeye (totally adorable by the way). What's not to like?

The show offers a series of bad guys, also a couple of red herrings, and the return of Ronin. Track Suit Mafia makes an appearance. Echo, who I hear is getting her own Disney+ show. The formidable Kingpin (do yourself a favor and watch DAREDEVIL if your haven't already). And without spoiling too much, someone close to Miss Bishop herself. Did I mention that we get the cutest scenes between her and Yelena (Black Widow's sister), and played by another favorite of mine, Florence Pugh? It's a must-see for all of you Hawkeye fans out there. And if you weren't a fan yet, you will be.


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