Episode after episode, the big bad has finally been revealed, and in a shocking new twist—it's Lottie Matthews. The empathic girl may still be alive and manipulating a new group of vulnerable people or survivors. Let's face it, if she had this supernatural ability before the crash, she would have been the leader instead of Jackie. Yet, out there in the forest, Lottie has tapped into some serious dark magic that often involves blood and sacrifice. She had us all fooled—there was something endearing about her initially, but as time progressed, her sweet nature transformed into a sour, bear-slaying, cryptic figure. She's a witch, casting sinister spells.
Speaking of Jackie, her character's ending was brilliant. There was nothing more heartbreaking than Shauna's cry for her best friend, Jackie. Seeing her frozen to death solidified the show's place on my top list of unexpected endings. I thought they would chase her down, as we saw in the first episode, and consume her like leftovers. However, Jackie didn't want to be around the girls anymore after that night of weirdness and the fact that Shauna isn't her loyal sidekick. Her tragic and poetic death left me wishing they'd kept her around longer for the added tension she brought to each episode.
To avoid overcrowding this post, here's a breakdown of what we learned from the finale. Keep in mind, many questions remain unanswered.
1. Misty isn't just cunning—she's a bloodthirsty killer and part of Lottie's cult.
2. More sinister events happen than meet the eye, as Nat discovered when she tried to take her own life before a group of eerie cult followers took her away.
3. Shauna is haunted by Jackie and lives with guilt.
4. Taissa might also be part of the cult, as she has a shrine of dark offerings (including her dog's head) in her basement. Her malevolent smile at the end after winning the race confirms that the forest still has a hold on her.
5. Who was Adam, anyway?
6. The true identity of the Antler Queen remains a mystery . . .
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