Thursday, July 25, 2024

Upcoming Book: Once Upon A Vale - Ville City Witches Book 1

Exciting news! My book will officially be released on August 18th on Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) under my pen name J.A. Lucas. For now, I plan to test the waters on KDP before releasing on other platforms. As KDP does not allow for preorders, I will update my website on the day of release with information on how to purchase your copy. Stay tuned and thank you for your support!

Book Blurb:

When seventeen-year-old Liana Vale fails to get into an elite academy that made her mother the most powerful dark witch of this age, she finds herself struggling to live up to her family's name.

In order to prove herself as a skilled enchantress, she teams up with her kindred companion Brenda to create a long-lost plant rumored to hold unparalleled powers.

On the same night, Liana's former lover, Abe, arrives, and with his assistance, the girls succeed. But when a formidable coven launches a daring heist to steal the plants, Liana discovers this audacious theft is merely the beginning of a looming threat: the resurrection of a dark lord, searching for an object he believes the Vales have.

As she delves deeper into his grim world, she stumbles upon a revelation that shatters everything she ever knew about herself, forcing her to confront a whispered prophecy that links everything else back together.

But as her mind begins to battle with light over dark--leading her closer to this mysterious object, Liana soon realizes that all along she's been trapped inside a perilous game of deceit, and the only way out, may b.

Monday, April 24, 2023

From Makes a Ghoulish Return with No Answers

(Credit: MGM+)

Last year, we started watching the MGM+ series "From," and let's just say, it did not disappoint. This show isn't like "Yellowjackets," where you have to adapt and accept the new norm at some point. In "From," you want to leave. You want to wake up from this nightmarish town full of unimaginable monsters and ghouls that stalk you in your dreams. They come to you at night, whispering succulent secrets that easily seduce you into letting them in. But that's the thing—you don't want to let them in. Behind the human facade is a morphed alien-like species that wants to eat every part of your body, bones included. Plainly put, their only purpose is to consume you until there's nothing left to identify.

But here's the kicker—it's almost like the ghoulish world chooses you. Many of its residents aren't harboring some horrible secret that got them all stuck here; no. They were like us, like you, just riding on the open road, going to the store, or driving out of town. Yet, when that driver stumbles across a tree in the road and a flock of crows flying above the treetops, making these weird noises, it's too late. You've been chosen to stay in a town that probably isn't even on the map. And with "From," believe me, you want it to be. You want to wake up from this nightmare that has plagued your life.

Season two picks up where Season one left off, with more people choosing to stay. We really don't understand what's going on here and if most of this is just some experiment done by a twisted scientist behind the scenes, conjuring a way to see how humans react to not knowing why they're stuck in a town where monsters roam at night to eat them. The show is fantastic, and I love the characters and how people are trying to make their new situation work. But there are far too many questions that aren't getting answered. I don't want to spoil it for you, but if you haven't started "From," you need to. Check out the premise below:

In a nightmarish town in middle America that traps everyone who enters, unwilling residents strive to stay alive and search for a way out, but they are plagued by the terrifying nocturnal creatures from the surrounding forest and secrets hidden in the town itself.

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Yellowjackets: A Mid-Season Recap

image credit: Kailey Schwerman/SHOWTIME

this post contains spoilers

We're halfway through the season, and I must admit, this is one of the most original shows I've ever been obsessed with. We already know who plays who, so let's get down to the nitty-gritty. Last season, I firmly believed that the seer Lottie was The Antler Queen, but with the return of Javi, I'm not so sure anymore. For one, Javi made an intriguing comment in the last episode: "She didn't want me to come back." I'm thinking "she" refers to the infamous shadow in the dark—the one who wears the antlers, thus, the true Antler Queen.

Let's face it, Lottie hasn't embraced that role since last season, and now she's seeing antler shadows, leaving her spooked. Another interesting aspect is how much mystery we're still in. We don't know who else has really survived. We don't know why Van and Taissa aren't together anymore. And we don't know if the coach—who I suspect takes his own life—is still alive. Don't even get me started on the mysterious girl running in the first episode, who fell into a trap of pointy sticks. She's definitely not one of the main characters, but I think she's Mari, who seems visually annoyed by Misty and hasn't been shown alive in the future yet.

Oh, and speaking of Misty—girl, seriously? The last episode was trending last night with speculation that Misty had killed Crystal (the songbird), but that wasn't what happened, at least from what I saw. Yeah, Misty may have threatened it when she admitted to poor Crystal that she was the one who destroyed their one way out via communication. But the girl fell off the cliff as if she didn't remember there was a cliff behind her. I'm sort of bothered that they didn't keep her around, but I suppose there are just too many characters to explore. Not to mention, I don't believe the daughter Shauna has now is the same kid she had in the creepy forest. That was years ago, and her daughter is in high school now. They've mentioned that their lives in the forest were about twenty-five years ago. I just hope they didn't eat the baby like they did Jackie when nature decided to roast her up like a Christmas pig. The only thing missing was an apple. 

We're five episodes away, and I can't wait to see more scenes with adult Van—I LOVE her! I also want some questions answered. Who lived in that cabin? Where was Javi? Why is the new Akilah keeping the mouse she found? Is Lottie lying about what happened to adult Travis? I think so. I mean, come on—did y'all see her face after telling that bogus story? What did they bring back? The guy with no eyes? The man who lived in the cabin? Or the true Antler Queen?

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Morning Rituals to Set Your Day

The blaring sound of the alarm echoes through my bedroom and then--

I turn it off in frustration. Let's face it, life can get pretty hectic. For me, it begins on Mondays—always on a Monday, sometimes even on Sundays. To lessen the load, I've made a list of morning rituals that I've started doing to get my day going. Hopefully, you can find some solace in these or, at least, a bit of inspiration.


I know how hard it is to get into a routine, but all you need is thirty minutes a day. If you suffer from anxiety like I do, it helps—truly. My favorite exercise is old-fashioned walking. I've found great success in just walking alone, which began back in high school. I never do it alone; I'm accompanied by my husband, son, or both. It could be around your block or neighborhood, in your backyard (if it's big enough), or even in the forest (if it's safe). Steps, as I call it, can also help you get used to moving your body and releasing added stress. Best done in the morning—trust me, it feels amazing. If you're more advanced, try high-intensity workouts mixed with weight training. Remember, it doesn't have to be over an hour—just enough to get you moving.


There's nothing more refreshing than sitting in your living room or on your porch, enjoying a warm cup of coffee or tea. You don't even have to speak; just sip slowly, savor the taste, and let your mind focus on the flavor. When was the last time you truly enjoyed a cup of coffee without the noise? Try daydreaming while sipping and think about an upcoming vacation or places you'd like to explore?

Sage Burning:

I love this one. I don't do this every single morning due to time constraints, but I try to fit sage burning (preferably white) around the house in the morning while humming, to clear up any negative energy from dark spaces. I say this respectfully—trust in the sage. The thickness shows you exactly where you need to focus, and if you enjoy the smell of burning leaves, it adds a woody fragrance around the house. Open windows while doing this, and always let the last smoke out at the front door.


I find music so inspiring, especially when working in a creative field or cooking (which is creative, if you think about it!). In the morning, I usually choose something cool, calm, and collective. It doesn't have to be songs with words—I think music compositions work just as well, if not better. Imagine lying in your bed with headphones on, listening to the sound of the beat. The way the piano hits a note or the violin strings beautifully in the wind. Music helps, I promise.


Last but not least, if you're a writer like me, it's always good to make time for it in the morning, preferably before work or on early Saturday mornings before I leave for the day or the house gets crazy. I find that setting aside either words (100-1000) per day gets what's in my head onto paper (or a word file). Alternatively, try setting aside minutes—usually, it takes me about an hour if I go this route, especially when editing at the same time. Please, don't do both editing and writing—it takes way too long and can sometimes cause un-motivation, which we don't want. Try writing in the morning; it will help.

If you have any morning rituals list them below, I'd love to hear them.

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Yellowjackets - Finale - Took a Cultish Twisted Turn - and I'm Here for It!

this post contains spoilers,

Episode after episode, the big bad has finally been revealed, and in a shocking new twist—it's Lottie Matthews. The empathic girl may still be alive and manipulating a new group of vulnerable people or survivors. Let's face it, if she had this supernatural ability before the crash, she would have been the leader instead of Jackie. Yet, out there in the forest, Lottie has tapped into some serious dark magic that often involves blood and sacrifice. She had us all fooled—there was something endearing about her initially, but as time progressed, her sweet nature transformed into a sour, bear-slaying, cryptic figure. She's a witch, casting sinister spells.

Image credited to Showtime.

Speaking of Jackie, her character's ending was brilliant. There was nothing more heartbreaking than Shauna's cry for her best friend, Jackie. Seeing her frozen to death solidified the show's place on my top list of unexpected endings. I thought they would chase her down, as we saw in the first episode, and consume her like leftovers. However, Jackie didn't want to be around the girls anymore after that night of weirdness and the fact that Shauna isn't her loyal sidekick. Her tragic and poetic death left me wishing they'd kept her around longer for the added tension she brought to each episode.

To avoid overcrowding this post, here's a breakdown of what we learned from the finale. Keep in mind, many questions remain unanswered.

1. Misty isn't just cunning—she's a bloodthirsty killer and part of Lottie's cult.
2. More sinister events happen than meet the eye, as Nat discovered when she tried to take her own life before a group of eerie cult followers took her away.
3. Shauna is haunted by Jackie and lives with guilt.
4. Taissa might also be part of the cult, as she has a shrine of dark offerings (including her dog's head) in her basement. Her malevolent smile at the end after winning the race confirms that the forest still has a hold on her.
5. Who was Adam, anyway?
6. The true identity of the Antler Queen remains a mystery . . .
Image credited to Showtime.


Saturday, January 15, 2022

Ways to Get in the Mood for Valentine’s Day

We are just a few weeks away from Valentine's Day, so let's set the mood and fill our souls with positivity and sprinkles of stardust love. Here's my first suggestion for embracing the spirit of the season.

Number One:

Decorate your house with:


The obvious choice on Valentine's Day, right? Seriously, who doesn't want chocolates and cupcakes or dainty teacups or chocolate-covered strawberries on Valentine's Day? Below, are a few ways to decorate your home until the coquettish day filled with an aura of endearment arrives:

As you can see above, I added chocolate hearts and little bags of Lindor on top of books I simply adore. But you can get creative here. Try a few on your mantel. Perhaps even a few by the TV or bar area. In your bedroom. The goal here is to set the mood and get your mind ready for such a dazzling day, even if it's a day you celebrate alone. No judgment here. Do you.

Number Two:


At this point in time, you should be obsessed with candles. Not only do they make your house smell good, but they're also visually enchanting, especially when scattered about in the house (safety first). Below, are a few I think would work well to set the mood. But not only in your home, you could actually give these away as gifts. The point is to be creative:

You have many choices to pick from as far as colors and scents. Places like Yankee Candle, Bath & Body Works, Target — all carry different sizes of candles and scents for every occasion. My personal delectable scents, and my absolute favorites for a day like LOVE day, would be something that smells like cherries, cinnamon, vanilla, champagne, chocolates, or even cupcake scents that has most of what I mentioned in them. These are all things you could find at your local markets. But what we do with ours is we place the red candles in the bedrooms, a few on the bar. The smaller scents can go in dens or bathrooms. We also like to match them with bigger pillar candles (white preferably) to really set the mood.

Number Three:


but without pictures:
  • A crimson bedding piece with snow-white pillows
  • Satin black Sheets – any color of your choice
  • Potpourri that smells of flowers or mint
  • Decorative Pillows
  • Rose peddals for scattering about in bathtubs or on top of beds
  • Heart Soaps for the bathroom
  • Balloons – your choice

Well, that's about it . . . for now. Keep checking back for other Valentine's Day posts of meal suggestions and more personal favorites. Until then, be safe, be nice, and always, and I mean always choose:


Oh, and if you have any more to add, feel free :)

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

What Really Is Going on with Yellowjackets?

For weeks, I've been glued to the TV screen, watching this mysterious show unfold. With only one episode left in season one, it feels like we've barely scratched the surface of the answers we've been seeking. Sure, they've hinted at cannibalism, but have they really explained anything? I mean, those wolves haven't even been proven to be real. And let's not forget the girls making ravenous animal noises—it's like they've completely lost their minds!

This just leads me to ask more questions. For example, why would anyone sleep in an attic with a dead body? Who was Adam, anyway? We still don't know who killed young Travis, and the adult version of him remains a mystery. Plus, why haven't we learned about the other survivors besides the main four?

The only thing that seems clear is that Misty and Lottie are definitely up to something sinister. Seriously, what's their deal?

I'm begging the showrunners—please give us more answers before we have to wait another year!

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Disney+ Shows to Put on Your Radar - Like Now

When I was younger you couldn't pay me enough to be in the house. Yet now binge-watching or tuning in to TV shows is my idea of fun. Below, I've listed quite a few new Disney+ TV shows to catch up on if you haven't already. None of these will disappoint you, I pinky swear it:

  • Hawkeye (Marvel, science fiction)
  • Loki (Marvel, science fiction)
  • WandaVision (Marvel, science fiction)
  • The Mysterious Benedict Society (family-fun, mystery)
  • Falcon and the Winter Soldier (Marvel, super hero fiction)
  • What... if? (animated, Marvel, super hero fiction)
  • Secrets of Sulphur Springs (family-fun, hauntings)
  • Just Beyond (family-fun, hauntings, holidays)

That's it for now. Of course, I watch a lot more than these but wanted to get you guys started on Disney+, a network full of nostalgia. Stay tuned for more shows on other networks. Meanwhile, drop a comment if you'd like to add more to the radar.

Saturday, January 8, 2022

REVIEW: Hawkeye - A Love Letter to Clint Barton Fans

Like Kate Bishop, played by one of my favorite actresses of this age, Hailee Steinfeld, I, too, loved me some Clint Barton. Still do. Disney+ has released some pretty amazing shows and honestly, I can list about seven thus far that have captured my attention and heart. But Hawkeye was my absolute favorite. A true gem. The lead of course is Hawkeye, played by the legendary man himself, Jeremy Renner. The character has always been admirable, taking perilous missions though he's only a human with no super strength. He's just a guy (well, a family man respectively) that was born a hero: no matter the cost.

The show Hawkeye, however, was like a passing of the torch type of thing to newcomer Kate Bishop. An amiable girl eager to become the new Hawkeye, name and all. In fact, the moment we met our new lady in lead we got the sudden expression that she wasn't all that skilled yet but a girl who would soon become a force to be reckoned with, I wager. Kate Bishop has a lot to offer to the MCU. From her talented archery. To her wanting to be a hero persona. To her composed fan girl personality toward Hawkeye (totally adorable by the way). What's not to like?

The show offers a series of bad guys, also a couple of red herrings, and the return of Ronin. Track Suit Mafia makes an appearance. Echo, who I hear is getting her own Disney+ show. The formidable Kingpin (do yourself a favor and watch DAREDEVIL if your haven't already). And without spoiling too much, someone close to Miss Bishop herself. Did I mention that we get the cutest scenes between her and Yelena (Black Widow's sister), and played by another favorite of mine, Florence Pugh? It's a must-see for all of you Hawkeye fans out there. And if you weren't a fan yet, you will be.

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Yellowjackets - Episode 8 - Flight of the Bumblebee - Wickedly Pushes the Plot Semi-Forward

this post contains spoilers, read at your own risk . . .

Since I couldn't start this review where the show began, I decided to start at Episode 8: Flight of the Bumblebee. Besides, I love the name, and it was a really great episode xx.

I've been keeping up with this bone-chilling show since day one. It has an all-star cast with a few familiar faces. A storyline not only intriguing but deliciously addicting and at times quite creepy, which I love. So with that said, I'll keep this review short and sweet. In Flight of the Bumblebee we finally get our first visual death: Laura Lee, played by Jane Widdop. The poor religious, hopeful girl, thought because she read about flying planes that actually doing it would work. Just like coach Ben, played by The Originals own, Steven Krueger, I had my doubts. But not with what happened with the plane. More like treating it like a car. Yes, you may read about how to drive but actually doing it is two different things. I promise.

Now, Laura Lee is dead. Gone. Parished. And not because of an actual plane crash, which would have been some serious Final Destination shit, but because her freaking teddy bear caught on fire for no apparent reason. What in the paranormal hell was that?

I'll tell you what it was. This eccentric, phantom wolf-infested island is possessed by a couple of (dare I say) shamans. It just has to be. Noticed how I used phantom before the wolves? Yeah. I still don't believe they were real. I just don't. But I do agree with this: There is something malevolent at play here, and whatever it is, it is out for each their souls. Like Annabelle, attached them to like lent.

Think about it. This unexplainable mess was shown in the first episode when we see a girl (who I think was the empath Lottie, played by Courtney Eaton) running through the forest surrounded by echos of creepy bird calls, and then BOOM, she falls to her death and is eaten by the girls dressed as a tribe or maybe tree people? Who knows.

But with episode 8 we are finally at a point where some questions are finally getting answered. One, Adam, played by Peter Gadiot, is from the past, but who? Two, Natalie, played by the legend Juliette Lewis, is haunted by whatever happened out there and continues to turn to drugs to ease the pain. Three, Misty, played by another legendary actress Christina Ricci, is all kinds of crazy. Four, and not really an answer but another question: did only four girls really survive out there? We'll see.

In the meantime, tune in to


if you haven't. This show is insanely good.